Wednesday, 12 April 2017

End of Term

To Parents of Navigators 1

A big thank you for all your support this term with your child's learning. The children are ready for and deserving of a break from school, it's been a long term.  It's a big jump for the year 5's and they have risen to the challenge.  Some great role modelling and leadership has been shown by the year 6's.
Wishing you a happy Easter and good times in the school holidays.  
See you all next term.

Your Teachers
Jane Williams and Catherine Dalley

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Orienteering After School on Monday 10th April

Meet at the St Martins school adventure playground at 3.15-4pm.
Maps will be provided, no experience is necessary and instruction will be provided. NO Charge.
Alice Vetcher and Karin Prince

ps if you require further information please call Sara on 021 499 070
Rm 15 Brag Sheet

Seamus  went to the Canterbury Swimming Championships yesterday and his relay team came 5th and he also came 14th in the breaststroke.
Yuuna achieved level 12 and 3 in gymnastics. Awesome jump.
Jacob R : most improved player for cricket team.
Edie: Medal for moving up to squads.
Jack: Graded Blue Belt for Karate (3rd level out of 10levels)
Maddie: got a Go to Camp badge. Had to sleep in a box all night!!!
Isabella: got Outdoor Basics badge for guides.
Sarah: Jumped a 1m on a horse. New record for Sarah.
Isabella C: Moved up a level in hip hop dance class.